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Let's work hard together at work worth doing.

I lost my first run in 2024, but there's still work to be done.  That's why this website remains up!  Read my articles, learn what I care about, sign up for my newsletter, and keep in touch.  If I run again in 2025 or 2026, you'll be the first to know.  
Oshkosh is great.  Congratulations to Kris, Jacob, & DJ for earning their seats on Council in 2024.

"The history of Oshkosh is of great importance to me, personally."


Let's talk about Oshkosh

"The Rotarian Motto is SERVICE ABOVE SELF"


The Big Question

Why am I running for Council?

Why am I running for Council?  Why put in so much time and effort for a role that gets so much scrutiny from the public and doesn’t even pay the annual wages of a very part-time job?  I seek this role because I get the chance to work hard at work worth doing.  That’s the crux of it.  Local government is important.  The work we do directly impacts the day-to-day lives of all of us.  To quote Councilman Mike Ford:  “How we do things in local government matters. Understanding the Council-City Manager form of government matters. Earning the trust of colleagues matters.”  

"As your Councilman I will treat the role like a full-time job...For the rest of this decade if I am elected, my service will be defined by Council, Rotary, and our church."

Platform Points

First and foremost, I am wholeheartedly nonpartisan.  This is at the core of who I am as a candidate. The teamsport machinations of national parties have no place in the minutia of our bi-monthly meetings. I’m not a party-line voter, rather I vote on the issues or the content of the character of the individual at hand. When we cast our votes on public works bids, taxation, special events, or other ordinances throughout Oshkosh, we shouldn’t seek to bring the ideologies of the left or the right to vie for favor, rather we should consider the voices of our neighbors, the history of our neighborhoods, and the future that we’ll be building for our children and generations yet to come.


Click on the points below to expand them for more thoughts on the topic. 


Parks & Rec​

"It’s easy to complain about Oshkosh online at home from the comfort of your device.  It’s harder to actually do something to make the changes you want come to life. "



Council work is
hard work worth doing

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"I am a product of our community, our schools, and our shared history."

"I am a product of our community, our schools, and our shared history."

"I am a product of our community, our schools, and our shared history."

Kristopher Ulrich



Paid for by Ulrich of Oshkosh

Authorized by Kristopher Ulrich

2024 Oshkosh Common Council

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